
Archive for June 21st, 2009

two in a row..

i feel..Everyone , no matter how old/young,strong/weak and all the other contrasting differences that one can think of deserve a certain amount of privacy in their lives. Rather than calling it privacy, maybe it would be better if i say a certain amount of “me time”.

Time when you don’t feel like you must be answerable to each and every question put across. time that cannot be invaded by anyone. This time ,in my opinion , shapes a person’s personality. This time, when one contemplates or sorts things out should be exclusive.

I feel particularly strong about this,when i see my athai struggle to spend some time with herself. She’s a dynamic woman,a little over 60 living in the same flat as ours and yet alone. Her day whizzes past her before she even realizes and while she doesn’t blame anyone for it- i can see, the changes in her,on those rare days when does manage to scrimp some time from “her” day for HERSELF.

And now if we are to pen down a blame list,which consists of people who encroach upon this precious time,who’d you think would top such a list?

All her near and dear ones. So can i still use the word “blame”? in typical madras bashai,chance eh ila.

As it happens,i keep insisting that she learns to say no.But she doesn’t. She insists on being nice,considerate and caring and what not to everyone and lends a shoulder.

Result? a very very tired aunt who has no time even for the sudoku she so loves.

If i persist for far too long,she starts drawing analogies that leave me stumped.

and if that fails as well,its the usual one wherein she says,intha kalathu generation romba selfish.neenge elam yen thano ipdi irukel…

I would launch into my own replies for that,which can be dealt with in another post.

But,for now-my question..what are your thoughts on me time? do you guys feel the need to contemplate things you say..think about people you meet? wonder about the actions of people you know?

Reason i ask is,i do all of the above oh-so-often that i have often been asked to tone it down..

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new beginnings

this is yet another attempt of mine to get back to blogging..

And now that i have all the time in the world . it feels good to be back !

no new tidings until oct and that leaves me,the restless girl i am with hours and hours of solitude..

hours to contemplate.hours to plan. AND hours to procrastinate.

The third one ,i do, almost as a creature of habit. It comes naturally to me 🙂

don’t get me wrong..not that i am proud of it or something..nevertheless..its something ” i do” tirelessly..pun intended.. thing is,to blog-i feel, you need inspiration..i don’t believe in looking within for inspiration because once i start reflecting,i won’t stop. So there hardly exists time for me to actually pen down something…

alright,hoping to keep up with this blog and not let it die 🙂 like the other two !!!

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